Facebook’s New Lifestyle Layout Brings Canvas Collection Ads to Life

Photo Courtesy of Facebook Business

Enliven your lifestyle products with Facebook’s new Canvas template, Lifestyle Layout.

As frequently mentioned in the past, the majority of today’s Facebook paid ads migrates to mobile. Facebook’s Canvas, a creative platform for developing mobile ad experiences, has multiple templates for its Collection ads. However, the Lifestyle Layout template allows advertisers to build immersive, branded collections with lifestyle imagery in the form of people, places, or experiences.

What do we mean by lifestyle? Think clothes, fashion, décor, fitness, etc. The new layout allows advertisers to give context to their products in a captivating mobile display.

How to Use Lifestyle Layout

According to Facebook, the Lifestyle Layout template is available in Canvas’ collection format as a full-screen experience.

Photo Courtesy of Facebook

Additionally, the template includes call-to-action buttons and store locator maps to encourage and prompt users to purchase your product.

Additional Enhancements for Collection Ads

Facebook also announced additional updates for Canvas’ collection ads.

The first, Engagement Custom Audience, allows advertisers to retarget users who have previously clicked on a collection ad.

The second update, the Store Visits Objective, allows advertisers to use their collection ads to drive store visits and in-store sales.

Finally, a new enhanced tracking feature gives advertisers the ability to track the performance of their products featured in collection ads, specifically in regards to traffic flow to the business’ website or app.

The new Lifestyle Layout will be available to advertisers sometime this month.

This post about the topic “Facebook’s New Lifestyle Layout Brings Canvas Collection Ads to Life” was first published on our website here https://www.advertisemint.com

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