
Showing posts from August, 2023

Avoid These 4 Instagram Username Mistakes

Anne Felicitas writer at  AdvertiseMint, Facebook ads agency Let’s be candid. When you created your Instagram account eight years ago, and the sign-up form prompted you to choose a username, you rushed the process and used the first three names that came to mind. Your Instagram username is more than a string of words you put together for the sake of creating an account. It is your identity on the platform, the key to determining whether or not users will find you. Choose the right username, and you will increase discoverability and leave a lasting impression on users. Choose incorrectly, and you will be lost and forgotten. If you want to create an Instagram username that will withstand the test of Search and competing users, avoid these pitfalls. 1. Using a String of Recurring Letters It’s difficult to create a unique username on a platform that has  two billion monthly users . When you created your account, you likely tried several usernames before finding one that wasn’t already take

How to Get Rid of Instagram Suggested Posts

If you scrolled through your   Instagram feed   today, you may have noticed a change. Instagram rolled out Suggested Posts, which injects content from accounts you don’t follow — but you might like — straight into your feed. Instagram has become a prominent social media platform for sharing photos, videos, and connecting with friends and influencers. However, over time, the platform has introduced features that some users find intrusive, one of which is “Suggested Posts.” This is how suggested posts work: You scroll through your feed until the “You’re All Caught Up” message appears, a signal that you’ve seen all posts from followed accounts. Suggested Posts appears right underneath, showing content the algorithm believes you’ll like based on your activities (the accounts you follow, the posts you’ve liked). This update, understandably, can be annoying if you don’t care much about posts from people you don’t follow. In fact, it can be a little invasive.  These suggested posts, inserted

How to Get Your Posts at the Top of Instagram’s Feed

You post and post on Instagram, hoping that the frequency of your posts will increase the chances of your content appearing in your followers’ feeds. You schedule posts to publish often, and you’re feeling on top of your game. I have some sad news for you: you can post as often as you like and still not appear in your followers’ feeds if you’re not posting the right type of content. Why? Because Instagram’s new algorithm no longer works chronologically. Relevance is the new driving factor. How Does Instagram’s Algorithm Work? Instagram’s new algorithm  displays content in feeds that is relevant and meaningful to the individual user. This wasn’t always the case, however. Previously, before 2016, Instagram’s algorithm  ordered posts chronologically in feeds ; it did not prioritize content based on relevance. With the old algorithm, the frequency of your posts did matter because the algorithm functioned as a first come, first served system. Instagram found a flaw in this chronological sys

Instagram’s Warning Notification Gives At-Risk Accounts a Second Chance

Gone are the days of mysterious account deletions. In a post to its press page, Instagram announced that it will   warn users when their accounts are at risk   of being disabled.  In this new notification process, Instagram will send users warning messages that their accounts may be deleted due to violations against  Community Guidelines . “Some of your previous posts didn’t follow our Community Guidelines. If you post something that goes against our guidelines again, your account may be deleted, including your posts, archive, messages and followers,” says Instagram’s message. Instagram will send at-risk accounts a warning. Photo courtesy of Instagram. Underneath the message, Instagram will also include a timeline of the account’s previous violations, providing context behind the warning. Instagram will also provide an opportunity for users to appeal any deleted content within the notification, a far leap from the previous process, which required users to visit Instagram’s Help Center

6 Important Marketing Theories and How to Apply Them on Social Media Campaigns

Campaign Creators / Unsplash Whether you’re a veteran marketing professional or you’re transitioning to the industry for the first time, your campaigns need to have a solid foundation in marketing theories. Based on customers’ desires and motivations for taking action, these concepts help us understand basic fundamental truths about the impact of marketing.  The most effective marketing theories are based on real-life observations and are useful not just for marketing but also for many different aspects of business. Agencies, such as a  custom design web agency  or a  social media advertising agency , usually uses a multi-pronged approach for campaigns, influenced by different marketing theories and personal experiences with marketing.  Today, we will discuss six theories that can help you understand your customers and create campaigns that address their needs.  Table of Contents Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs Seven P’s of the Marketing Mix SWOT Analysis Consumer Decision Making Process P