How to Master the TikTok Algorithm

Do you find yourself spending more and more time on your TikTok feed?

You’re not alone! In recent years, the app has skyrocketed in popularity and become one of the most widely used social networking platforms available.

But have you ever wondered why your feed has such an array of content?

By understanding how TikTok’s algorithm works, we can better understand how it is revolutionizing online media consumption.

Read on as we cover the following:

  • How Does the TikTok Algorithm Work?
  • Can Anyone Go Viral On TikTok?
  • 6 Factors That Affect the TikTok Algorithm
  • 8 Ways to Take Advantage of the TikTok Algorithm
  • How to Personalize Your For You Page
  • TikTok Algorithm Leaked
  • Final Thoughts on TikTok Algorithm
  • Frequently Asked Questions on TikTok Algorithm

How Does the TikTok Algorithm Work?

TikTok algorithm is all about the For You feed. The purpose of the TikTok For You feed is to provide personalized content for users. Recently, TikTok shared how they recommend videos.

The For You page is a curated feed that shows you videos based on your location, profile, and previous video engagement. Hence, this page has something different for each user.

The TikTok algorithm functions by recommending content based on several factors. These factors include:

  • Account interests: The interests you show when signing up as a new user.
  • User interactions: The TikTok content you like and share, the accounts you follow, your comments, and more.
  • Video information:  TikTok video information, such as the songs, captions, place, and hashtags.
  • The device and account settings: These include details like your country settings, location, language preference, and device type.

The TikTok For You feed recommendation system measures these factors to ensure each TikTok video it shows is suitable for each user.

Can Anyone Go Viral On TikTok?

Can you make a TikTok video go viral even if you don’t have many followers?

Yes! That’s one of the best parts about TikTok.

You only need a few followers or special badges to make popular videos. Any new user can get many views with the right ideas and strategies.

The TikTok algorithm does not care how many followers you have. It also doesn’t matter if your videos have done well before.

But TikTok users with more followers will get more likes, shares, and engagement when they post a video. That means their video might become popular faster.

6 Factors That Affect the TikTok Algorithm

You need to understand the TikTok algorithm to get more people to see your videos on TikTok. It will help you get more views, and TikTok creators will like your videos.

Here are six things that can affect how many people see your videos:

  1. Hashtags: TikTok uses an algorithm to show your content to everyone’s For You pages. Being on this page is like winning a prize. Many popular TikTok videos have hashtags like #FYP, #ForYou, or #ForYouPage.
    TikTok Algorithm : hashtags
    But can these hashtags really make the TikTok algorithm show your content? TikTok said having these hashtags does not mean it will end up on the For You page. But using a popular hashtag can help get more people to see your content.
  1. Trending Sounds: Use popular songs and audio to get more people to see your content. People like hearing popular songs. Choosing a song that is trending at the right time can make more people watch your content. You can follow these steps to find trending TikTok sounds:
    • In the video editor, tap Sounds, and scroll through what’s trending.
    • In your analytics tab, scroll down to Followers, and then you’ll see the sounds your audience has been listening to the most. However, the analytics feature is only for TikTok Pro accounts.
    • If you want to save a song you like and use it in the future, you can tap favorite. Just tap on the sound and Add to Favorites.
  2. Captions: TikTok captions should be short and easy to read. They should also relate to your content. People scroll quickly on mobile devices, so keep your captions short and include some hashtags too! Encouraging people to comment or share your post is also a good idea. If people comment on your video, make sure you answer them and have a conversation! Interactions will help your video do better because the TikTok algorithm likes when people talk about videos.
  1. Posting time: If you want more people to see your videos, post when most people are online. This ensures more people can watch and like your video. Look at your analytics on a TikTok Pro Account to figure out the right timing. This is an excellent way to crack the TikTok algorithm. However, your video might not go viral immediately. It might take a while before people start liking and sharing it. But if more people like it immediately, it will help more people see your video.TikTok Algorithm: time to post
  2. The right video content: You should make your video continuous and replayable so that viewers can watch it multiple times without interruptions. TikTok videos are more likely to become popular since they play continuously. Things to remember when creating videos:
    • Think about the type of videos that you like to watch.
    • Make your videos like them.
    • Be sure to put in effort when editing the video so it looks nice.
    • Make it fun and interesting so people will want to watch more.
  1. Location: The TikTok algorithm considers the location of its users. Hence, it will show you more videos from people near you. Don’t worry, though. It is a small part of how it works. If your account is new, the videos shown will probably be from your country. This will help you interact with people near you. If you use TikTok for business, ensure your content focuses on the people and places near you. Once you start using TikTok more, your location won’t matter. You will be able to connect with people from all parts of the world.

8 Ways to Take Advantage of the TikTok Algorithm

Here are eight ways to take advantage of the TikTok algorithm:

  1. Use a TikTok Pro account: TikTok has two types of Pro accounts. One is for creators, and one is for businesses. A Pro account won’t make your videos more popular but will give you access to helpful features.It will show how many people view your videos and when they watch them. You can also learn who your viewers are, where they live, their favorite videos, and more.Using the information can help you create better TikTok videos! To turn your regular TikTok account into a business account, go to Manage Account and select Switch to Business Account.TikTok Algorithm: use tiktok pro account
  1. Be consistent: To be good at TikTok, post often. Posting one or two videos a day is usually best. You can try new things and experiment until you find something that works for you. Your TikTok videos don’t have to be perfect. Have fun with them, and don’t worry too much about perfecting them. Post lots of videos to improve at making them; the better you post, the more people will see and like them.
  1. Establish your subculture: On most social media platforms, you need to choose people to follow and stay current with them. TikTok is different. People spend more time looking at the For You page than following people they know. Making content for an existing group or community can help you get more people to see your posts. Use hashtags like #FitTok or #MomsofTikTok to find the right group for your content. If you post interesting and related content to the group, they will like it and share it with others.TikTok Algorithm: sub-culture
  1. Always try the new features: TikTok has new tools and features you can use for videos. Using them can help your videos grab more attention. Always look out for new features and try them as soon as they appear. It could help you become popular! Tip: TikTok Live is not new, but going live on TikTok can help you get more people to see and like your videos, making you more popular!
  1. Create or embrace a challenge: If you want many people to see your TikTok account. Think of something fun that TikTok users can do to join the challenge. It could be a dance, an action, or anything else. You should also use popular sounds in your challenge. Popular sounds will get more attention than unknown audio clips. If your hashtag and challenge get noticed, it will bring attention to your TikTok account!Also, you can join a challenge to learn how to start yours. Look for popular challenges and join them. If a challenge is popular, many people will be looking for it. You might get a lot of likes or comments if you have a unique and interesting video.
  1. Make videos that people watch to the end: Making short videos, about 10-15 seconds long, will ensure people watch the whole video. Try to get people’s attention right away in the first few seconds. Make sure the video is fast and interesting so they stop scrolling and watch your video.
  1. Engage with other TikTok users: A study showed that 21% of people like brands more when they leave comments or talk to people on other posts. Doing this will get you more attention. TikTok has features like Duets, video replies, and Stitch which can help you get more people interested in your posts.
    • Duets let you make a video with someone else, which is a fun way to collaborate with other creators on the platform.
    • Video replies are a way to make new videos based on people’s comments or questions about your old videos.
    • Stitch is a tool that lets you take pieces of other TikTokers’ content and add them to your own.

    It’s important to remember that social media is for connecting with people!

  1. Create high-quality videos just for TikTok: It would be best to have a phone, good lighting, and a microphone for your TikTok video. You should also stay updated on TikTok’s popular trends, so you have ideas for your content. Make sure to create content that is just for TikTok. Don’t use the same videos from Instagram or YouTube because they won’t work here. Here are a few best tips for high-quality TikTok videos:
    • Record videos in 9:16 vertical format.
    • Aim to make videos between 10 – 15 seconds long.
    • Create videos with the sound on.
    • Videos with fast-paced music have the highest view-through rate.
    • Use TikTok native features, like effects and text treatments. A nice strategy is to experiment with trending audio and effects.

How to Personalize Your For You Page

The thing about TikTok is that it’s a social media platform based on discovery. Other platforms focus more on connecting with users you follow, but TikTok is more about looking at new content and scrolling through other users’ videos.

You can use the following strategies to ensure the TikTok algorithm give the best possible content.

  • When you create a TikTok account, pick some topics that interest you.
  • Look at the For You feed on TikTok. Like things you like, follow accounts that interest you, and find popular hashtags. Doing this will help TikTok give you more content just for you.
  • If you don’t want to see something on TikTok, tap and hold it. Then tap “not interested.” TikTok will not show that type of content again.

If you follow these strategies, your TikTok feed will be more personalized.

TikTok Algorithm Leaked

New York Times received a leaked document titled “TikTok Algo 101,” which explains how the TikTok algorithm works for non-technical staff.

The document provides direct evidence of the specific factors the algorithm considers. According to the document, TikTok’s primary objective is to gain new users daily.

The platform achieves this by:

  • Optimizing previous high-performing videos for retention.
  • Optimizing videos for time spent.

In short, TikTok has highlighted four key goals for its algorithm. These are:

  • User value: Giving value to the platform’s users.
  • Long-term user value: Caring users coming back daily.
  • Creator value: Providing value to the platform’s creators.
  • Platform value: Applying the algorithm to improve the TikTok app as a platform.

Final Thoughts on TikTok Algorithm

Understanding the TikTok algorithm is an important way to advance as a content creator on the platform. By being aware of trends, using hashtags, creating relevant content for the audiences, and gaining more followers, you can increase your views and engagement with your content.

Partner with the best TikTok ad creative agency to achieve your company goals and elevate your brand to the next level!

Frequently Asked Questions on TikTok Algorithm

Are there things that the TikTok algorithm dislikes?

Here are some things the TikTok algorithm dislikes:

  • Duplicated content
  • Content that could be potentially upsetting
  • Content flagged as spam

How does TikTok pick your algorithm?

TikTok uses your activity on the platform. This includes your likes, shares, comments, and views to understand your preferences and dislikes.

How can I beat the TikTok algorithm?

To improve your content’s visibility on TikTok, you can learn how the algorithm works and make content that aligns with its various criteria.

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