Riding the TikTok Wave: The 8 Best TikTok Marketing Strategies You Should Try

TikTok marketing strategies

Are you searching for the best TikTok marketing strategies?

Thanks to its large user base, TikTok is an excellent choice for social media advertising. However, you need the right marketing strategies to get meaningful results.

This article will cover the best strategies to achieve your marketing goals on TikTok. Read it to discover how to connect with your target audience and boost your brand’s visibility.

1. Authentic and Engaging Content

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Creating authentic and engaging content is a fundamental TikTok marketing strategy that can help your brand connect with the audience. Here’s a simple breakdown of what it means:

  1. Be real: TikTok users appreciate genuine and authentic content. Show the human side of your brand, share real stories, and avoid being overly promotional or scripted.
  2. Tell a story: Craft compelling narratives in your videos. Whether it’s about your product, brand journey, or customer experiences, storytelling captures attention and keeps viewers engaged.
  3. Use humor: Inject humor into your content whenever possible. Funny videos tend to go viral on TikTok, and laughter is a great way to create a positive association with your brand.
  4. Be relatable: Understand your target audience and create content that resonates with their interests and experiences. Relatable content encourages viewers to share and engage with your videos.
  5. Interact with viewers: Respond to comments, messages, and engage with your audience. Building a community around your brand fosters loyalty and encourages people to return.

2. TikTok Ads

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TikTok Ads allow you to create and display short video ads to a targeted audience. Depending on your needs and budget, you can choose from various ad formats. In-feed ads appear on users’ “For You” pages, while brand takeovers display full-screen ads when users open the app. You can also use branded hashtag challenges to encourage user engagement.

3. Trends and Challenges

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TikTok is all about what’s trending! When you join popular challenges and use trending hashtags, your content is more likely to get noticed by a larger audience. This increases your chances of going viral and gaining more followers.

How to find trends and challenges?

  • Explore TikTok’s Discover page: On the “Discover” page, you’ll find trending hashtags and challenges. Pay attention to those related to your niche or industry.
  • Follow influencers and trendsetters: Influencers often kickstart new trends. Following them can help you spot emerging challenges early on.
  • Check “For You” page: The “For You” page shows personalized content.

Creating your own challenge

  • Be Clear and Simple: Create a challenge that’s easy for users to understand and participate in. Complicated challenges may discourage engagement.
  • Branded Hashtag: Invent a branded hashtag for your challenge to make it easily identifiable. Encourage users to use the hashtag when participating.
  • Incentives and Prizes: Consider offering incentives or prizes to participants. This can boost participation and engagement.

3. Unboxing Videos

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Unboxing videos gives an immersive experience for viewers. These videos allow customers to see the product before purchasing. Customers will observe how the product looks and is used in real life. This gives them an idea of its value and benefits.

Also, it gets viewers into the emotional aspect of shopping. It creates a sense of yearning for when the product gets shipped to them. Aside from this, brands can also use unboxing videos to build excitement for new product launches. This creates a buzz on the platform.

4. Influencer Marketing

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Collaborating with influencers on TikTok is a powerful way to expand your brand’s reach. TikTok influencers are creators with a large following and strong credibility on the platform.

Find influencers whose content aligns with your brand, set clear objectives, give creative freedom, and track results. Promote the collaboration, engage with the audience, and consider long-term partnerships for authenticity and loyalty.

5. Short and Snappy Videos

Creating short and snappy videos is crucial for TikTok marketing success. Here’s an elaboration on this strategy:

  • Keep it short: The ideal length for TikTok videos is between 15 to 60 seconds. Shorter videos are more likely to capture and maintain users’ attention as attention spans are decreasing.
  • Grab attention quickly: The first few seconds of your video are critical. Use eye-catching visuals, catchy captions, or intriguing openings to hook viewers immediately.
  • Focus on one idea: Keep your content focused on a single message or idea. Avoid cramming too much information into a short video, as it can confuse or overwhelm viewers.
  • Simple editing: TikTok offers a range of fun editing tools and effects, but don’t overcomplicate your videos. Stick to straightforward edits that enhance your message without distracting from it.
  • Showcase Your Brand Quickly: If you’re promoting a product or brand, do it early in the video. TikTok users quickly scroll through their feeds, so you want to make sure your branding is visible from the start.
  • End with a CTA: Finish your video with a clear Call-to-Action (CTA). Encourage viewers to like, share, comment, or follow your account. Make it easy for them to engage with your content.

6. TikTok Music and Sounds

Incorporate music and sounds into your TikTok marketing strategy to enhance your content’s appeal and connect with the TikTok community. Here’s how to leverage music and sounds effectively:

  • Stay on trend: Pay attention to the popular music and sounds trending on TikTok. These trends change rapidly, so use the latest trending tracks to make your content feel current and relevant.
  • Emphasize emotions: Choose music and sounds that evoke the right emotions for your content. Whether it’s funny, inspiring, or heartwarming, the right sound can enhance the impact of your message.
  • Use the full music library: TikTok offers a vast library of licensed music and sounds. Take advantage of this variety to find the perfect sound that fits your video.
  • Match beats and transitions: Sync your video content with the beats of the music or sound you’re using. Smooth transitions between clips and beat drops add an engaging and professional touch to your videos.
  • Create your own sounds: TikTok allows users to create and upload their original sounds. Consider making your branded audio to increase brand recognition and encourage user-generated content.
  • Sound effects: Besides music, use sound effects to emphasize certain actions or moments in your videos. These can add humor and creativity to your content.
  • Utilize TikTok’s Music Tools: TikTok provides various music editing tools, such as volume control, fade in/out, and time-shifting. Experiment with these features to perfect your video’s audio.

7. Contests and Giveaways

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Running contests and giveaways on TikTok can be a fantastic way to engage your audience, increase brand awareness, and attract new followers. Here’s a step-by-step guide to running successful contests and giveaways on TikTok:

  • Define your goals and choose an enticing prize.
  • Create clear rules and a catchy hashtag.
  • Promote the contest on TikTok and other platforms.
  • Make engaging content explaining the contest.
  • Encourage user-generated content (UGC) entries.
  • Collaborate with influencers for wider reach.
  • Select winners transparently and celebrate them.
  • Engage with participants through comments.
  • Follow up after the contest, thanking participants.
  • Analyze results and use insights to improve future strategies.

8. Cross Promotion

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Cross-promotion on TikTok involves sharing your TikTok content on other social media platforms to increase visibility and gain more followers. It’s an effective strategy to leverage your existing audience on other platforms to grow your TikTok presence.

Remember to tailor your content for each platform and utilize their specific features. For example, you can use stickers, GIFs, or interactive elements on Instagram Stories to make your cross-promotion more engaging. Always include a clear CTA, inviting viewers to follow your TikTok account for more exciting content.

Final Thoughts

TikTok’s landscape is continuously evolving, so staying updated on the latest trends and features is essential to maximize your marketing efforts on the platform. Always monitor your analytics to measure the success of your strategies and adjust them accordingly.

Do you need help crafting the perfect TikTok marketing strategy? Our TikTok advertising agency has the right solutions for you.

Frequently Asked Questions

How can a brand improve its TikTok presence?

Making a clear brand persona and making creative videos can help. You can also use other social media platforms to complement our TikTok content.

What makes TikTok different from other platforms when it comes to marketing strategies?

TikTok stands out from other platforms due to its short video content and young user base.

How can I check the success of my TikTok marketing campaigns?

Key success indicators on TikTok include video views, follower growth, and click-through rates. Tracking them will help you know the efficacy of your strategies.

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