How To Sell Books on Amazon in 8 Easy Steps

Do you want to learn how to sell books on Amazon?

Selling books on Amazon can be a lucrative and straightforward venture. Whether you are an aspiring author or simply looking to declutter your bookshelf, Amazon offers a great opportunity.

This comprehensive guide will walk you through the ins and outs of successful book selling on Amazon.

What Types of Books Can You Sell on Amazon?

You can sell different types of books on Amazon. Here are the primary types of books you can sell on the platform:

  • Brand new books: You can sell fresh releases and recently published books to Amazon customers.
  • Pre-owned books: Gently used or secondhand books are popular on the platform. 
  • Books without ISBNs: Amazon provides a platform to sell books that lack an International Standard Book Number (ISBN), enabling the listing of unique and specialized publications.
  • Collectible reads: Rare, vintage, or collectible books hold a dedicated market on Amazon, including first editions, autographed copies, historically significant titles, and comic books.
  • Digital eBooks: Beyond physical copies, authors and publishers can leverage Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP) to distribute and sell eBooks. This provides a vast digital readership.
  • Educational texts: Whether new or gently used, textbooks are consistently sought after by students. You can make significant returns selling textbooks on Amazon, particularly during peak academic seasons.

Read more: Is Amazon FBA worth It?

Where To Get Books To Sell on Amazon

You should have a product source before selling books on Amazon. Here’s a list of places you can find books to sell on your Amazon store:

  • Wholesalers: Wholesale book distributors or wholesalers can be a great source for purchasing books in bulk and at a discounted price.
  • Distributors: Distributors can provide access to a wide range of books from various publishers. They often supply to retailers and can offer competitive prices.
  • Publishers: Some publishers may offer overstock or clearance sales, allowing you to purchase books at a discounted rate for resale.
  • Bookstore sales: Keep an eye on local bookstores, especially independent ones. They have clearance sales and book discounts from time to time.
  • Thrift stores: Thrift stores resell books at very low prices. You can find a variety of titles and genres at these stores.
  • Yard sales: Yard and garage sales can be excellent places to find books at rock-bottom prices. Look for sales that mention books specifically.
  • Estate sales: Estate sales can have extensive book collections, especially if the person who passed away was an avid reader. You might find valuable or rare books at these sales.
  • Other online marketplaces: You can source books from online marketplaces like eBay, Craigslist, or Facebook Marketplace. Many people sell books in bulk or individually at reasonable prices.
  • Library sales: Libraries may hold sales to sell off excess or donated books, which can be a great source of books for resale.
  • Book fairs: Attend book fairs and expos to find books. Publishers and distributors often offer book deals and discounts at these events.
how to sell books on amazon: books selection
Source: Canva

Source: Canva

How To Sell Books on Amazon

Selling books on Amazon is a great way to reach a wide audience and make a profit. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to sell books on Amazon:

1. Create an Amazon seller account.

Choose between an individual or professional seller account on Amazon Seller Central. Individual accounts are suitable for those selling just a few books, while professional accounts are better for those planning to sell in larger quantities. Note that a professional account requires a monthly subscription fee.

2. Gather your books.

Ensure your books are in excellent condition. Books with minimal wear and tear sell better.

how to sell books on amazon: gathered books
Source: Canva

Source: Canva

3. Research the market.

Use Amazon’s Seller Central and tools like Keepa or CamelCamelCamel to analyze price trends and competition for the books you want to sell. Pay attention to the sales rank, as books sell faster than higher ranks typically.

how to sell books on amazon: marketing research
Source: Canva

Source: Canva

4. List your books.

Craft compelling and detailed descriptions highlighting the book’s condition, edition, and any unique selling points. You should also use high-quality images to showcase your books. Finally, consider using Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA) for Prime eligibility and easier shipping and returns.

5. Fulfill orders.

If you choose Fulfillment by Merchant (FBM), be prepared to handle shipping, customer service, and returns yourself. Meanwhile, choosing FBA means shipping your books to an Amazon fulfillment center. They will handle storage, packing, and shipping.

6. Provide good customer service.

To build a good reputation and high seller rating, respond to customer inquiries promptly and professionally. You should also handle returns and refunds according to Amazon’s policies.

7. Manage inventory.

Regularly update your listings to reflect accurate stock levels. Consider removing or discounting slow-moving inventory to free up capital and storage space.

8. Monitor performance.

Keep an eye on seller performance metrics such as order defect rate, late shipment rate, and tracking rate. You should maintain a strong seller rating to build trust with potential buyers.

how to sell books on amazon: monitoring results
Source: Canva

Source: Canva

8 Popular Book Genres to Sell on Amazon

Some book genres sell better than others on Amazon. Hence, you need to know the best-selling book genres as a seller. Here’s the list of the ideal book genres to sell on Amazon:

  1. Fiction: From romance and mystery to science fiction and fantasy, fiction books always find eager readers. This makes fiction a great genre for Amazon sellers.
  2. Romance: Romance novels come in various sub-genres like contemporary, historical, paranormal, and romantic suspense. This genre caters to diverse tastes in love stories.
  3. Mystery/thriller: Mystery and thriller novels, known for their suspenseful and engaging plots, have a wide and dedicated readership. The genre includes everything from classic detective stories to psychological thrillers.
  4. Science fiction: Fans love this genre for its exploration of futuristic worlds, advanced technology, and imaginative concepts. 
  5. Young adult fiction: Young adult (YA) fiction is immensely popular among young readers. These books often tackle coming-of-age themes and issues relevant to young readers.
  6. Non-fiction: Non-fiction books cover various topics, from history and biographies to self-help and popular science. The popularity of non-fiction can vary greatly depending on the subject matter.
  7. Children’s literature: Children’s books, including picture books and early readers, are sought after globally. 
  8. Religion and spirituality: Books on faith, spirituality, and personal development cater to readers seeking guidance and enlightenment.

The Benefits of Selling Books on Amazon

Selling books on Amazon can be a profitable and rewarding move for different reasons. Here are some benefits of selling books on Amazon:

  • Extensive audience: Amazon’s massive customer base offers a substantial market for your books.
  • Global reach: The platform expands your reach internationally, making your books accessible to readers worldwide.
  • Easy setup: Amazon’s user-friendly platform simplifies listing, pricing, and inventory management.
  • Fulfillment ease: Reduce your workload by using Amazon’s FBA for efficient storage and shipping.
  • Discoverability boost: Amazon’s search algorithm helps your books get noticed by potential readers.
  • Reviews impact: Positive reviews enhance your book’s credibility and increase sales.
  • Marketing support: Access various Amazon tools for effective book promotion and advertising.
  • Self-publishing: Self-publish your books via Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP) and gain creative control.
  • Competitive pricing: Set competitive prices to capture cost-conscious readers.
  • Data-oriented decisions: Amazon offers detailed sales data and analytics to help you make informed business choices.

Final Thoughts on “How To Sell Books on Amazon”

Remember that Amazon has specific guidelines for the condition of used books. It’s also important to accurately describe the condition of the books you sell to ensure customer satisfaction. Additionally, ensure you have the necessary rights and permissions to sell books, especially eBooks, to avoid copyright issues.

Are you looking to advertise your products on Amazon? You should contact the top Amazon advertising agency.

Frequently Asked Questions on “How To Sell Books on Amazon”

Where can I sell books online other than Amazon?

You can sell books online on BookScouter, eBay, Chegg, and AbeBooks. Each platform has unique features and audience, so you can choose the one that best suits your needs and target market.

How profitable are new and used books?

New books may have lower profit margins due to competitive pricing. Used books often offer higher margins, especially if they are in good condition or possess rarity or collectible value.

How much is the referral fee?

Amazon imposes a referral charge for every product sold, and the precise sum fluctuates based on the product’s category. These referral charges typically fall from 8% to 15%.

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